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The Dayton Mediation Center Supports People in Conflict

The Dayton Mediation Center was established in 1987 to improve quality of life for the Dayton Community and ease the impact of community conflicts on public resources. Created by the City of Dayton, the Center is one of the oldest and most robust mediation centers in the country, supporting community members to engage conflict constructively. ​The Dayton Mediation Center intervenes in thousands of conflicts annually. The Center’s services are free to those who live or work in the City and are used by residents, tenants and landlords, workplaces, schools, neighborhood organizations, law enforcement agencies and court systems.


Trained professional conflict intervention specialists are ready to help you

When people are challenged by conflict, communicating their needs, concerns and goals is difficult. People do not have a sense of being heard or understood. In addition, conflict can be emotional and cloud the situation making it difficult to address.


The Dayton Mediation Center offers intervention support that can help individuals effectively manage the negative, destructive, alienating and dehumanizing interactions that occur during conflict. Our intervention experts are skilled at supporting your decision making throughout the process as you address the conflict, giving you the opportunity to gain peace of mind.

Finding us in the building

Please use the front entrance of the building located on Second Street.  We have visitor parking in the lot next to our building and meters are free on Saturdays.


When you arrive, sign in with the security guard and take the elevator to the 3rd floor. Go past the Housing Department, down the long hallway to our offices.

Institue for the Study of Conflict Transformation

371 W. Second Street, Dayton Ohio 45402 

© 2023 Dayton Mediation Center

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